Seven Summits. Published by Profil – Zagreb The best adventure writer in Croatia.The Seven Summits (now, only on Croatian) is the story about realased dreams, about vicrorys over the nature own weknes. It has not trimfalistic contents, but stil it is story about satisfaction and happyines becouse off succes. “
My first book from 1990. on Croatian. WAY ON TO THE TOP OF THE WORLD
Almost all known religions placed their deities on top of mountains. Olympus , Kailas , Fujijama are only some of the mythical peaks that the supreme gods used to inhabit. While travelling and exploring all seven continents, 1 have come to realize that almost all high mountains under which people once lived played an important […]
Place there is no West or East, there is no North too! All around me it is only south. I am on the North Pole. I came here from Siberia with international expedition. Firs Croat on to the North Pole…
2500 years ago, from Aegean sea, came Greek sailors and on island of Hvar found town named Faros. Nowadays citizens of Starigrad, ancient Faros, organized expedition to sail 1400 miles from island Hvar in Croatia to island Paros in Greece Leader of the Branko Kirigin invited me and cameraman Josko Bojic to make story about […]